The Fall of the Osumi Peninsula

It’s time for the report on the second gourmet tour! This time, the 南蛮人 (nanbanjin, literally “Southern barbarian person”, which is what Europeans were referred to in feudal Japan) traveled a few hours to the beautiful Osumi Peninsula.

For those of you that don’t know, the two major peninsulas in Kagoshima are separated by a large bay; that bay also contains Sakurajima, the prefecture’s famously active volcano.


I live in Satsumasendai, on the Sendai Peninsula. It’s comparatively urban, with fairly easy train access, several larger cities and towns, etc. Osumi Peninsula is more rural… you need to drive to get around and there’s only one medium size-ish city (Kanoya).

I’ll mostly just let me the pictures speak for themselves, though one story does bear special mention. So this tour took place on the same day as a national holiday and regional festival, so several of our intended destinations were closed or had different operating hours. One such place, a ramen shop, was ready to close, but Kazu had had enough of being turned away. He had a conversation with the restaurant owners, basically apologizing profusely but telling them that his foreign friend (me) was so excited to try this ramen place, that could they possibly let us in for just a little while? It worked easily, of course, owing to the politeness that is a trademark of Japanese culture. I did notice that he left out the small detail that I had already been living here for a year… at any rate, we did get our ramen. Apparently I am a very “useful” person to go out to eat with around here, for that very reason!

The experience was wonderful in and of itself, though it once again reminded me just how fortunate I am to enjoy such generiousity and friendilness in Japan. This is a special place in the world, and in my life. I had a serendipitious moment the other day when I realized that I’m currently living the part of my life that I will most talk about for the rest of it. It’s a weird, but wonderful feeling.

Enjoy some Osumi Gourmet Tour photos!

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